Chiropractic Testimonials

"Every facet of this office has been beneficial and wonderful.
My body was really failing. I actually believe I was on my way to the ending of my life if I had not come across this wonderful place. I cannot say enough for these people! They are amazing!
I was bouncing off the walls in the morning because I couldn't walk correctly, and in so much pain. Dr. Young was able to get my bones back in working order, and I don't bounce off the walls or scream in pain when I awake, now. He has also given ideas for the gym to strengthen muscle groups that are causing problems. Thank you Dr. Young, now I can bend over and pick things up without so much trouble, and that is just the beginning, we still have work to do. I believe Dr. Young to be a true healer.
I am plagued with fibromyalgia, disautonomia, high blood pressure and a myriad of other health issues, one of those being myoclonus, (involuntary muscle movement, caused by a medication and, I thought, irreversible).
This is worsened by lack of sleep and being over stressed physically or emotionally.
I came in for an adjustment with Dr. Young, after a sleepless night, and the jerking of my legs, (myoclonus), and my inability to walk without falling made the use of my cane a necessity that day.
I was laying on the table for an adjustment, and he asked for a consult with Dr. Ping, the acupuncturist, because I was moving too much to be adjusted and he felt she could also help me.
She suggested I come in and see her twice a week. When I did the fibro, (pain and insomnia), disautonomia, (constant hot flashes and the resulting excessive sweating), calmed down, and pain in my knees as well, (fibro). It is amazing. I keep telling everyone that she is a miracle worker, which I believe she truly is. I want to continue seeing her because she is really helping. I very much look forward to these visits. She is kind and knowledgeable, and easy to talk to.
The people in the physical therapy department are also amazing as are the massage therapists. This place deserves 10 stars."
- S.E.
"I have been on the Nutrition Program for the past 6 years with Dr. Chang, when she closed her practice she introduce me to Dr. Young, a friendly young men with lots of energy & a pleasant disposition that make you have a "feel good" feeling right away.
Since I have been Dr. Young patient my moral have been up, & I have to use less supplements & less numbers of pills, & Feel even better then before, & I have loss weight without going on silly diet but eating healthy foods. I like is no nonsense attitude & his high five that reward you.
I would recommend Dr. Young to my friends in need of his services, he is very gentle & polite in his care of me & he care deeply about all his clients, thanks you Dr. Young & keep up your great work."
- N.R.
"My experience with Anthony Chiropractic has been Great. I started with Simple adjustments then was introduced to a Holistic Nutrition Plan. I am currently having Acupuncture. Very Professional Staff Great Doctors. I Recommend them to My Family and Friends as well as yours. Thank you Guys for Everything."
- L.A.
"I consider Dr. Ping a gift to this community. Her expertise as an acupuncturist is evident every time she works with me. I am sleeping through the night and have renewed energy. My digestive system, which was weak, has improved too.
She is caring, positive professional who focuses on wellness and the body's ability to heal itself as the flow of energy is restored through acupuncture. For those who are hesitant because this treatment involves "needles" you should have no worries. These are needles as fine as the hairs on your head! Dr. Ping is very gentle and checks in with you - constantly communicating about what you feeling and if it feels too intense she knows what to do. You are in good hands with Dr. Ping! I trust her and have great confidence in her talents and her many years of experience. I respect her work and I'm thankful every day for Dr. Ping. I recommend her to so many people I meet. If you are in pain, or have numbness or issues with internal functioning of any of your organs, or need to be able to sleep better or want to reduce anxiety and stress, Dr. Ping can help! You deserve to feel good and be pain free! Enjoy being healthy!"
- I.A.
"Prior to my first Acupuncture treatment, I was in CONSTANT knee pain. In fact, I crawled for three days, went into VA and all I could get was a shot in my rear. Though I've had Acupuncture treatment in the past it kind of worked as a result I was a bit leery from the start. I must say, my first treatment surprised me. It's beyond amazement.
I would recommend Anthony Chiro to anyone.
Thanks for your help."
- D.W.
"My name is Dr. Adam C. Egger, Ed.D. I am a retired Air Force Medic, healthcare administrator and educator. During my years in the Air Force as a critical care and emergency room medic, I injured my lower back and neck. I also developed high blood pressure, high cholesterol and asthma. Due to these illnesses I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. Through the years that I have been treated for pain with Opioids I have developing low testosterone and low thyroid function. Six years ago, the pain had gotten so bad that I had to use a cane and scooter to get around. I decided to come to have Acupuncture and Massage Therapy.
The Message Therapy that Nikki performs is a whole body-deep tissue message. She concentrates on my main concerns that I present to her at the beginning of the session. She also follows any additional instructions from Dr. Young such as Cupping Therapy for my hip and lower ribs. The Cupping Therapy is used for the areas that Dr. Young cannot access due to the pain pump that is surgically implanted over 10 years ago for pain control. This therapy helps me to have more energy, reduced aching of my joints and improve my recovery time from the gym.
Dr. Ping uses her Acupuncture techniques to help lower my lower back-neck pain, blood pressure, increase mood, and eliminate built up toxins in my organs. These toxins add to the bodies stress. If these toxins can result in increased headaches, pain, nausea, and depression if not released from the body. Her treatments have helped me increase my energy, improve sleep, and help reduce my pain.
I have been coming for the last three months for Message Therapy with Nikki and Acupuncture with Dr. Ping. With these therapies, I have lessened my pain, increased my energy level, and improved my mood. I all over feel much better physically and emotional than I previously had before. The entire staff are great people and strive to making their patients feel better.
I appreciate all the work that they have done not only for me, but my wife has well."
- Dr. Adam C. Egger, Ed. D
What was it like before you came in to see us?
"I was over 60lbs overweight. (As Of 04/22/2011 R. Quintanilla has lost 78lbs) I used to have migraine headaches, heartburn, didn't have energy, not sleeping very well, high blood pressure. I would be tired after a walk and be out of breath. I was also having trouble swallowing due to a mass on my thyroid."
How is it now?
"I can use the clothes I had not been able to get into for 10years. I can mow the front and back yard and not feel worn out. I am also sleeping better and I have been able to avoid taking blood pressure medicine for a little over 6 months. My Thyroid is not bothering me like it use to, I am able to swallow much better."
- R.Q.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
"I was overweight, sluggish and had very low energy, especially at the end of the day. I had frequent headaches including occasional mild migranes. I also suffered from irregularity, frequent indigestion and often slept poorly."
How is it now?
"I am sleeping well, have much more energy and stamina throughout the day, no headaches of any kind and have lost over 30lbs. We are eating much higher quality food that our bodies need, eating out less and yet still spending less at the grocery store because of not buying junk food and soft drinks and no longer wasting a signifcant amount of the food we purchase. This is not a diet for us; it is a permanent change of life style. It has given us a new lease on life as individuals and as a very happily married couple for over 34 years. We are much more able to enjoy the seven precious children (4 by birth and 3 by marriage) and 7 incredible grandchildren the Lord has blessed us with. We have no intention of returning to our old self-destructive eating habits."
- C.R.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
"I could feel my blood pressure rising at the end of day & I was not sleeping well. Because of a Knee and Elbow injury I haven't worked out & my fitness level was at all time low, my weight at an all time high. Therefore, my energy level at the end of the day was very low."
How is it now?
"After 3 weeks of working with Dr. Chung I've lost 16lbs, feel no sensation with high blood pressure, I'm sleeping incredibly well, my energy level is great. Dr. Chung also administered acupuncture on my injured elbow & after 4 sessions I have full mobility and virtually no pain. I look forward to seeing her and Gary at each appointment."
- C.R.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
"I was feeling very ill. I had no energy. Was very out of breath, overweight/obese. I felt very unhealthy. I experienced a lot of joint pain and swelling throughout my body. I used to sweat a lot and had an odor. I always felt very fatigued and exhausted even without doing anything. I felt very confused and depressed. My Menstruation was very irregular. I had problems with my thyroid"
How is it now?
"Now I feel much more alert. I dont have anymore Shortness of Breath. I have lost 36lbs in 3 months.(AS of 10/13/2010 Dr. Rangel has lost 68lbs) My joint pain improved 75%. I dont have anymore swelling. Mybody odor is gone. My menses are regular every 30 days. I still have some fatigue but depending on the day(heat) or if I'm on my period. I am not depressed anymore."
- Dr. Rangel
(Dr. Rangel now has her own practice in Humble, TX where she is Practicing and having her own Success Stories)
What was it like before you came in to see us?
" had chronic lower back pain and what I thought was arthritis in my right hand. I was a little overweight and not sleeping very well, and overall a little sluggish."
How is it now?
"Fantastic, I am 30lbs lighter and no more nagging pains, I sleep great and have much more energy. My complexion is much better. Food tastes better. Life is GOOD!"
- M.W.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
"Cholesterol raised - required 40mg lipitor Irregular heartbeat/pounding. Constant craving for sweets Increased appetite. Bouts with Depression "Knot" in stomach"
How is it now?
"Cholesterol significantly lower/less Lipitor Regular Heartbeat. No Cravings or constant hunger Less and less stomach "knot" sensation. No depression - more upbeat mood"
- M.L.
What was it like before you came in to see us?
"I am on medication that causes joint and bone pain. I have to take this medication for five years due to breast cancer treatment. I felt like I was 20 years older than I am, and my kids wold tell me I was moaning and groaning a lot. This was from the joint and bone pain. I did not have much energy and I felt like I needed a nap each day."
How is it now?
"I no longer suffer from joint and bone pain. I am PAIN FREE! I have lost 9lbs and my nails and hair are a lot stronger. I have a lot more energy and I get more done during the day as a result."
- T.K.
"I injured my lower back one day and it instantly caused debilitating pain. I suffered for 6-8 months with unbearable pain before an MRI detected that I had a herniated disc at the L5/S1 level. On a scale of 1-10, my pain level was a 15!!! The pain became so bad that I agreed to 2 spinal nerve blocks to deaden the pain, but these only worked temporarily. It was at this point I was ready to have surgery of any kind to try and get my life back. I tried a Chiropractor here in town as a last ditch effort, but found little relief. I was referred to Anthony Chiropractic Center by another Chiropractor in Austin. Within in weeks the results were striking. These days I am doing great, and I feel as though I am back to normal."
- D.F.
"Like most people, I suffered for 2-3 years with a nagging pain in my leg and back before I decided to get care. During that time, I did not take any medications or seek the care of any doctors for my condition. It got the point where I had to do something for the pain. I had previous experience with chiropractic care and decided to make an appointment with Anthony Chiropractic. I am happy to say that I am completely pain free today. Thank you very much! I highly recommend Anthony Chiropractic Center."
- J.E.
"Shoulder pain and lower back soreness often made me tired and grumpy. Now I am more relaxed and have less pain everyday. I definitely recommend Anthony Chiropractic to everyone!"
- T.S.
"With my headaches I was unable to work or have a social life. Now that I have fewer headaches I am able to work and do the things I enjoy. Thanks Anthony Chiropractic!"
- D.W.
"My daughter and I were in a car accident that left me with neck pain. It put me out of work and caused me to become depressed, it completely stopped my social life. Since receiving treatments, my pain has definitely started to diminish. I am not finished with my treatment program yet, but already I am back at work and once again have a social life. I would definitely recommend Anthony Chiropractic to others!"
- M.K.
"My left hip and leg were hurting terribly. I was restricted on traveling and doing the things I enjoyed! Since starting my chiropractic care plan I am able to do a little more…I can play dominoes with my friends, do my housework a little better, ride in the car a little longer…I'm confident when I'm finished with my care plan, that I'll be able to do the things I like to do…I would recommend Anthony Chiropractic to everyone."
- F.V.
"My overall health has improved so much, I can now do simple tasks and have my body not hurt anymore. I have noticed my sinus problems are not bad and my headaches are gone! I have tons more energy now than I did two months ago, I can wake up feeling rested and I don't hurt all over."
- C.D.
"I've had pain 24/7. Since beginning my treatment plan I have much less pain, I have more energy and I'm able to enjoy my family without feeling tired out. I can walk without limping, I'm back to walking daily. I can turn my head from side to side.
Thank you Dr. Anthony!"
- V.K.
"I've noticed improvements in both my neck & back. My overall health has seen good improvement. My neck is more responsive."
- B.H.
"I've experienced better sleep and less back stiffness. I have less leg pain and better movement. My energy has improved, I get out and do more with less aches and pains."
- R.M.
"My back pain has reduced to minimal levels and I feel I will be pain free when my therapy is complete."
- G.L.
"My visit was a good one. I was able to get in and out quickly. Dr. Dempsey was friendly as usual."
- L.L.
"Dr. Dempsey took care of my back issue. Very friendly staff!"
- A.O.
"I am always appreciative of the interest shown in my behalf. The Dempsey always are sincerely willing to help in any situation."
- L.K.
"I have been going to Dr. Dempsey for several years. I can't tell you enough about how much he has help me with my stiff neck, bad back, and pain. Everyone in he office is very helpful and wonderful. I always refer my friends and family to Dr. Dempsey. If you of are in need of a great chiropractor, Dr. Dempsey is the best!!"
- C.L.
"I first visited for back pain and was looking for a good chiropractor. From my first visit, I have been extremely impressed and thankful that I found Dr. Dempsey and his entire staff. Not only have I found a great chiropractor, but I have been introduced to Vasayo and it's patented health care products. Because of this and their encouragement, I have lost 30 pounds! With this, I tried their Invisared treatments on my waist and neck area, losing detectable inches in both. They also have an indoor spa that I used for it's relaxation abilities, and want to try all of its uses. This place and the people inside have become like a family to me, and I cannot stress enough all of the good knowing them has brought me. Thank you so much to all of you! When you go, tell them Brenda sent you!!"
- B.L.
"Staff is very kind and supportive and I always feel better when I walk out."
- K.S.
"I have been seeing Dr. Dempsey for a few months now & I have not had any more actual migraines. My visits have been great! The staff & atmosphere of the office makes you feel right at home. You are not just a number. Very caring practice & I’m so relaxed when leaving my appointment. I would definitely recommend Waco Integrated Medical to my friends & family!"
- A.L.
"Dr. Justin and his staff are so wonderful. Dr. Justin is thorough and really knows his business. I felt so comfortable and knew right away that I could trust him with my care. I highly recommend this office!"
- B.V.
"Dr. Justin and his staff are incredible! They are knowledgeable, compassionate, and very good at what they do. My life has completely changed since I started my adjustments here. Migraines, unexplained nerve issues in my entire body, all gone. I can't recommend them enough."
- K.M.
"Today was my first time ever visiting a chiropractor and I was pleasantly surprised at the relief I got after just one visit. On top of that, Dr. Justin and his awesome staff went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable and educated me on the things they would be doing during my visit. The customer service provided at my visit today was amazing and that sets them apart from any other medical office I have visited in the past. Thank you Premier Health & Wellness staff! "
- K.H.
"Very knowledgeable on all aspects of their practice. Something wrong they will fix you! Very dedicated to your well being in an effective way. Nice family environment with high respect for their patients. Always welcome you with a smile... Best place to go!"
- M.S.
"I recommend Premier Health & Wellness Center because Justin truly cares about your health and well being! Each day is a new day which requires a different approach correct? Well, he achieves this perspective accordingly to each patient individually!"
- K.H.
"Dr. Dempsey did a great job. He Took his time explaining and talking to me about how to prevent old injury flare ups and what I could do to further prevent these from happening again. He also took time out of his evening to call me after my appointment to make sure I was feeling better. Great experience overall. I highly recommend him."
- B.C.
"This place is so laid back and awesome! Everyone in there is friendly and very informative about what is being done to you. I would recommend it to anyone. I love the fact that Justin does a follow-up call to check on you. I enjoyed them so much."
- B.S.
"I had ACDF surgery 5 months ago and I was still having major issues with my back. My surgeon basically told me there was nothing else he could do and just kept giving me meds and sending me for injections and PT. I had a co worker who referred me to Dr. Justin Dempsey, DC and it took me a month or so to get the nerve up to go. To say I was scared on my first visit would be a huge understatement. I almost threw up at one point I was so nervous about him adjusting my back/neck after surgery. I almost walked out and told him I can’t do it. I am so thankful I chose not to! This man is AMAZING!!! I instantly went from being in chronic pain to almost no pain. No joke!! He “put my head on straight” literally! My HEAD on straight..... He knew exactly what was causing my pain just by talking to me and looking at me. The staff in this office is all so nice and they make you feel so welcome. They really do make you feel like you are family there. They even bring their sweet dog to work with them. I wish I would have known about this place before I had surgery. If you are in need of a chiropractor, look no further!! Thank you Premier Health & Wellness Center for changing my life!"
- T.B.
"My favorite is the roller table! Dr. Justin is extremely awesome also."
- C.W.
"Very professional and kind ladies at the front desk. Premier Health & Wellness Center is run by a family and each individual is compassionate and driven to make each patient feel comfortable and welcome. Justin it's a great chiropractor. I was in so much pain when I first arrived and he helped me. After only the first visit I could finally sit and stand straight and could sleep for the first time. I still have more sessions to go and I look forward to getting better."
- P.A.
"From the moment I stepped into the building, I was immediately greeted by the receptionist. Every employee that I met was warm and welcoming. I have never experienced a chiropractor taking the time to explain to me how the body, muscles and nerves work together, BUT Dr. Justin did! Since I have been in so much pain, Dr. Justin was careful to be easy on my first visit. I definitely appreciated that care and concern. I will be back. I am hopeful for a future without pain."
"I came in feeling like I was permanently damaged, and could barely walk. Dr.Dempsey and his staff are putting those doubts behind me. After two appointments so far, I feel less pain, rejuvenated, and thankful to have been pointed in their direction!"
- D.E.
"Great atmosphere. The people are really nice and very helpful. I would totally refer to them. The chiropractor has helped me so much with my back problem. I feel a lot better every day."
- C.C.
"Premier Health & Wellness has been vital in my personal care and for my daughter who is an elite athlete. Through my knee surgery/neck injury, Dr. Justin and his staff have been there to bring me back to health quickly and relieve my pain. My daughter who is on Team USA faced a serious injury to her rib right before the world championships and Dr. Justin not only put it back in place but became a huge part of our sports team keeping her in shape to win the world championships. Highly Recommend!!"
- K.B.
"I am so happy I found you and in my network!! On the road to feeling better!! To add to the service, staff is amazing!!"
- B.W.
Copperas Cove
North Waco
Round Rock
West Georgetown